Thursday, August 20, 2009

Chakra Quotes, Prana Sayings, Balance, Body, Health, Energy

I am a Conservative to preserve all that is good in our constitution, a Radical to remove all that is bad. I seek to preserve property and to respect order, and I equally decry the appeal to the passions of the many of the prejudices of the few.
~Author : Benjamin Disraeli Famous Quotes

I am a Marxist--of the Groucho tendency.
~Author : Anonymous French slogan Inspirational Sayings

You can make those promises with just as much passion the second time around. Such is the regenerative power of the human heart.
~Author : Marion Wink Nice Quotes

A sympathetic Scot summed it all up very neatly in the remark, You should make a point of trying every experience once, excepting incest and folk dancing.
~Author : Sir Arnold Bax Great Sayings

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
~Author : Benjamin Franklin Meaningful Sayings

People are far more sincere and good-humored at speeding their parting guests than on meeting them.
~Author : Anton Chekhov Wise Quotes

If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies.
~Author : Albert Einstein Motivational Sayings

Some men are born posthumously.
~Author : Friedrich Nietzsche The Antichrist Famous Quotes

We might do well to contain our elation at seeing the light at the end of the tunnel until we are certain it is not some guy on a motorcycle coming straight at us.
~Author : Tom Fitzgerald Inspirational Sayings

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